A career in Chess As A Player – Part II

Continue from the last blog check out the Requirements to become a Grandmaster

Requirements to become a Grandmaster :-

  • Score three favourable results i.e. norms requirements by playing in norm tournaments which have at least 3 grandmasters from 3 different countries other than the applicant’s.
  • Have to play nine rounds and a time control i.e. at least 120 minutes.
  • An International arbiter must be present to make ruling of the game.
  • Chess players must have an ELO rating of 2600 at the end of the tournament.

You can participate in different chess tournaments that are held in this field to increase your ELO rating such as :-

  • The tournaments arranged by All India Chess Federation.
  • State and interstate level chess championships.
  • Junior championships at national & International level for different age groups like under-8, under-10, under-14, under-15, under-18.
  • World junior championships.
  • Asian Youth Chess Championship.
  • Chess Olympiad.
  • Rapid chess tournaments.
  • Linares Chess tournaments.
  • Tata Steel chess tournament.
  • World Computer chess championship.

Some important guidelines for this journey are :-

  • The journey of a chess player should start at a very young age like that of 7 years or so. The earlier the better. The basics of chess are a must to start with. Learning at an early age gives advantage as young children are able to grasp the concepts and techniques more easily, clearly and in the right way at their age. The training makes them understand the way of playing games and developing their own strategies. Pragdannanda is the youngest Indian player to win the title of International M in history of IM.
  • Take help of a professional and experienced coach to guide you through your journey. Join any chess academy for chess training or hire a professional coach who will make you master of the various strategies of the game with your hard work and devotion.
  • Play at least 6-7 FIDE rated tournaments in classical form in a year to increase your rating and keep in touch. Increase your points each year by playing a good number of tournaments. Practice will make you better.
  • Quick thinking and calculations improvise the game. Don’t take defeat negatively and learn from your mistakes. Consistency is the key to success. Being competitive and playing the game like a fighter will pave your way to fulfilling your ambitions of achieving a higher title.
  • Taking support of your family will help you rise with new strength and be stronger after each defeat as well as to achieve a steady psychological state of mind.
  • Don’t underestimate the opponent. Be attentive. Watch opponents’ games carefully for study of his strength and weakness.
  • Solve chess puzzles regularly. Study and practice for new moves. Practice three phases of the game: the opening, middle game and end game every day.
  • Physical fitness is always important as a fit mind prevails in a fit body. Practice different types of exercises or yoga daily to increase body and mind flexibility. Meditation calms the mind, improves the concentration as well as educates the mind to take criticism or defeat in a good way or ignore it totally.

What are the career opportunities a professional chess player can have ?

Chess tournaments or competitions provide the winner a higher rating with  the prize money. As the ratings go up a professional chess player’s career goals can go higher providing a lot of different opportunities to look for in Chess so that you can pursue your passion along with good earnings such as :-

  • The chess enthusiasm nowadays provides a chess player coaching as an option in schools or colleges as many educational institutions are including chess in their sports activities.
  • The All India Chess Federation helds camps for the training of chess trainers. A certificate from such an institution will ensure you a good trainer job.
  • An arbiter ie umpire in a chess game holds an important position in a tournament or competition. Attend a certified course in this field.
  • Taking a course in learning how to operate the chess software used at different tournaments will provide a job opportunity as Chess games have become tech savvy.
  • Writing for chess related magazines, blogs or your own books occasionally is quite easy for the Chess player with a good writing skill.
  • Our Government provides various jobs for sports persons in different government institutions.
  • You can represent any club or institutions in a chess competition for a good payment
  • Starting your own chess coaching class or academy or becoming personal trainer is a good career start with satisfaction of creating good chess players.
  • In this world of internet teaching through online coaching or making online chess training videos is not a bad idea. You can also develop a chess training app.
  • Recognized players are often hired by renowned companies to promote their commercial products through advertisement or as their brand ambassador.

So, as you will see chess is a very good career opportunity if given proper consideration. As challenging as this can be where a lot of devotion and passion makes the player master of the game a lot of help is provided with passion with a strong path guiding towards victory at our Victorious Chess Academy. Do visit us at our www.victoriouschess.com website and contact us for further chess training or chess coaching.








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