Be the Defender, Nothing else Matters Now!

Currently we all are in the situation that we have neither imagined nor seen! More than a year and it’s still there. I guess there is plenty to read on COVID19. This is an attempt to share it in a slightly different way. Let’s look at the current situation through the lens of Chess!Look at this extremely creative graphic.What pictures tells us directly –

Here is some interpretation of this picture & beyond goes like this –

White Bishop being COVID19, is going to capture White pawn but black knight being us is defending. (look at the picture above again) Seems, the image is can be really a good food for thought! So, I have 2 basic questions & figured out meaning by extrapolating it.




First question – How can white bishop attack its own White pawn?Covid has no differentiation, it will attack its own people & will not really care about it. It will pass on to everyone who is around without bothering about anything else.Second question – Why Black Knight should defend White Pawn?Now, knight being us, we need to save everyone under the planet without discriminating on class, caste, country, continent & so on. So we need to forget all differences amongst us and help wholeheartedly to win this pandemic battle together.


So it’s up to us to become either Covid (bishop) and pass it on OR am I going to be defender (knight) & save the planet!

Power of Unity is something that can help each one of us. If we are alone, we are like a pawn but when we are together we are most powerful like a queen!





Mindset – In chess we say even though moves on board matters, what it does off the board is, it attacks the mindset of the opponent. If unfortunately, anyone gets Covid positive, maintaining a positive mindset is the most important aspect to battle against Covid. Nobody has won a game of chess by resigning so we do not need to get tensed, stay strong, help yourself, help others, help the planet!

Be the Defender. Nothing else matters now.

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