Chess and Life: Lessons from the Board to the Real World

In chess, victory comes from a series of good moves, not just the final one. You controlled the center, got the army out, castled, and attacked the enemy’s King until you could say, ‘Checkmate’! Similarly in life, every step we take towards our goals is slowly pushing us towards what we want to achieve.

Let’s start!

Dealing with pressure (by using tricks from Carlsen’s book)

Once, our team member woke up at 5:31 am to catch a flight at 7 – just 1:30 hrs before the plane takes off.

His hotel was far away from the airport. And the time was running out.

Most people would panic.

But not our head of content. He’s a chess player. He has seen time and again how Magnus gets out of losing games and wins!

So you know what he did?

Just like Carlsen uses certain tricks to save lost positions, he used the same ones to catch the flight in time. And… it worked!

As he shared in this story – he was in the flight by 6:35 am!

Chess helped him learn how to absorb and fight back when he was under pressure.

Hard work pays off!

One of the earliest students our head coach Kapil Lohana taught was Harshit Raja.

 Together, they used to study chess for 8-9 hours a day – from breakfast in the morning to dinner at home. Hard work personified!

And in the long run, this paid off beautifully!

Harshit achieved his GM title. And he also did well in academics, getting admitted into one of the top American universities.

Small steps lead to the big win

In chess, victory comes from a series of good moves, not just the final one.

You controlled the center, got the army out, castled, attacked the enemy’s King until you could say, ‘Checkmate’!

Similarly in life, every step we take towards our goals is slowly pushing us towards what we want to achieve.

Every day you study may not bring you results tomorrow. But it will slowly, but surely, help you score well in the exams.

Appreciate the importance of every small step, for it will push you to become victorious, in whatever you do!

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