Chess is not always Competitive, Chess can be Beautiful too!

Chess – Competitive Rivalries & War on the Board!

So, when we say or hear word chess, what comes to our mind? It is a strategy? Or specifically a strategy of war. Yes, we must capture or kill opponent’s army!  We need to launch attack, upset the opponent, enter opponents’ territory and showcase a mix of strategy and tactics to overpower our opponent!

Sounds like a war and too much aggression? In words of one of the greatest people who played game of chess, 11th World Chess Champion, GM Bobby Fischer, it’s a war on board with idea to crush the opponent’s mind. Off the board there have been so many rivalries, to name a few – Karpov-Kasparov, Fischer-Spassky, Kramnik-Topalov, Anand-Carlsen etc.
Carlsen also puts this beautifully


GM Bobby Fischer

There have been often lot of stories and literature available in chess world. End of the day, this game is about, intelligence quotient, emotional intelligence, creative, ideation, innovation and so on.

So, it has multiple factors off the board and Grandmasters would also makes some move there. In current digital age, it’s further most evident or easy if not brutal!


Magnus Carlsen

One of the most drastic change in the game of chess is this pandemic. Where most sports struggled, chess flourished! It flourished like never.

Thanks,to the online chess and web series viz. Queens’ Gambit!

Chess – The Beautiful Side

Character of Beth Harmon showed the journey of the chess player. It’s beautiful amalgamation of discovery, efforts, struggle, success, setback, comeback and triumph! Wow! Isn’t this a reflection of life.

What’s planet to a normal person is 64 squares for a chess player! Journey here has lot of resemblances and relatable examples of phases in life.


Beth Harmon

Many chess players are part of each other’s team when situation demands and help to improvise and assist for chess preparation. Famously in world champions. Kramnik was in Kasparov’s team when he played against Anand in 1995 WC. Carlsen helped Anand in his title defence against Topalov in 2010! Isn’t this beautiful?  Russian GM & 14th World Champion Kramnik & Israeli GM Boris Gelfand had 2 weeks camp in Chennai to mentor and coach Indian young chess talent.





Chess camp in Chennai with GM Kramnik & GM Gelfand

Recently Anand played role of mentor in 2021 Tata Steel at Kolkata. After 2013 loss in WC, it was Kramnik who had motivated Anand!

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