Grand Master – Harshit Raja

I can’t sleep today…as I just came to know that dear Harshit made his final GM norm at Switzerland and became the latest Grandmaster from India.
Here we have a 6 year old boy whom I started teaching at an early age while other kids would spend time on fun activities with friends.

(Harshit, Tvisha and me on his birthday)

Actually I used to go to his place to teach his elder sister Tvisha and not Harshit…

But one day he was roaming around and saw that I captured a piece of his sister Tvisha on the board. He just couldn’t stop himself and said…



सर, तुमने हमका piece मारा… अब हम भी तुमका piece मारेगे… चल दीदी चल.. (I still remember his agressive face)

After few days Tvisha would learn less but Harshit more with me…this journey started with lot of enthusiasm and energy of dear Harshit and my love for teaching.

(L to R – Harshit, Kapil Sir (Me) and Ninad Barde)



(Harshit playing tournament in his early childhood)

We used to spend 8-9hrs daily on chess right from morning breakfast to dinner at his home.

There are so many incidences of chesscube, king thrasher tournament and taking seat ups more than Harshit could imagine…



So many memories to cherish… I wish I could cover all in this joyful moment…

And today Harshit made us all proud by getting a respectable title of Grandmaster in chess…

(Harshit with his family)

I would like to appreciate Harshit’s parents Mr. Harnish Raja and Mrs. Rakhi Raja a lot for their dedication, support and belief in their child…Above all,
I would like to thank all the other coaches who helped him to improve his game…Wishing dear Harshit,
A Very
Future ahead…

Mr. Kapil Lohana (Founder & Director of Victorious Chess Academy)

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