Thoughtful Wisdom from World Champion’s Father

(Magnus Carlsen’s strong support is his father, Henrik Carlsen)

Magnus Carlsen, a big name in the world of Chess – World Chess Champion (Classical, Rapid & Blitz), ranked 1 since 2011 & highest ever rated player in history! Wow! We can go on & on for Magnus, but today we will appreciate beautiful & mindful thoughts of his father viz. Henrik Carlsen, a man behind the World Chess Champion. Henrik Carlsen is an engineer & a fine chess player too!

A beautiful incident when Magnus was 8 years old

(Henrik Carlsen – Praise child’s efforts & let child take care of results)Henrik Carlsen himself is a fine rated chess player. He introduced Magnus & his sisters to Chess. When Magnus was 8 years old, in one of the tournaments when he lost a couple of games, while returning in the car he asked a slightly critical question but immediately regretted asking that. Henrik further mentions that the child owns the process. What he as parent could do is only to help or support him. He always believed that from early days, Magnus is always giving his best so why should he ever criticize? Magnus also appreciates the fact that his father has been so mindful about this.


Henrik also opines that parents should praise a child’s efforts and let the child take care of the result. Wow, such meaningful words, so simple yet so profound!

Big decision to let Magnus be Magnus! When Magnus was 14 years old, he had an association with great 13th World Chess Champion, Garry Kasparov (often regarded as the best chess player ever, world number 1 from 1985 to 2005 & world champion from 1985 to 2000). So, what happened was, Kasparov was giving homework to Magnus. Magnus seemed to be not comfortable and was trying to avoid it. When Henrik identified this and had a conversation with Magnus, Henrik understood, Magnus had no issues with putting efforts, but Magnus had his own way, own ideas & wanted the journey to be the way he wanted to be, in his control, no pressure or push! Now this was a big catch for Henrik to convey No to Kasparov & Microsoft as they were the partner. Big call! Henrik mentions that Magnus always understood what the best for himself is. So, he completely supported & was firm with Magnus’s decision!

(Kasparov training 14 year young Carlsen)

Isn’t it that Henrik Carlsen’s views are epitome of modesty, dedication, mindfulness, principles to craft & cultivate a passion into champion of the World! In my mind, we can extrapolate this to larger aspects of life, a huge learning for all managers, leaders, parents, teams & mankind!

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