You get chance only once!

You get chance only once!

Many a time we are in testing times, tough time with lot of challenges and perhaps unfavorable situations leading to un-pleasant outcomes.  So does this happen only to average people? Answer is a big no! This is experienced by all of us, at all point of time. It is not like a one-time event or activity. But let me tell you one thing, these situations define us, build us, and make us who we are today!

Let me take you to a classical chess game we witness in June 2022 with current world chess champion viz. Magnus Carlsen and former world chess champion viz. Viswanathan Anand. Incidentally both have won this coveted and biggest chess crown a record 5 times!

They are arch rivals with immense respect for each other. Doesn’t this picture show that?

Anand was with white and played a very accurately in opening with one after the other good moves which saw position of Carlsen becoming worse with few inaccuracies giving a winning advantage to white.

I will showcase this very fast with critical moves and you will realize how situation on the board is favoring white!

Vishy punishing bad knight to become worse & nicely putting rook to 2nd rank to double up!

Attacking the weaker black pawn & creating huge support for white pawn to make a queen!

Knight is pushing queen away from action & rook is ensuring queen doesn’t return at all!

Despite being pushed back so much, under tremendous pressure, Carlsen shows and demonstrates what’s resourcefulness by pushing pawn which you can see on the board above. What is does it create a square for queen. We will see that soon.

What’s more important is Carlsen spotted this immediately. Only inaccuracy by Vishy and Carlsen was more than alert to spot this, grab this and save the game!

Suddenly after this white’s pawn on b & d file look weak, also balk has a passed pawn in c file and with queen around it’s look dangerous. Vishy played next few moves accurately and game ended in a draw!

Now, this story is about what makes Carlsen a great player. He could have been dissatisfied with his moves, could have made blunder or resigned but he kept calm, kept finding some path, some solution. He got a chance, only one! He grabbed it to save the same.

Isn’t is that this is not happening with all of us? Maybe so many times, perhaps what we need to do is to hold on to the situations and keep progressing from where ever we are, we will get a chance, we need to make that count!

Can you tell us any such situation when you got only one chance and you turned it into gold?

– Mr. Lokesh Natoo

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